Raft Of BBQpad Improvements!

Recently we have been working hard to improve and refine the BBQpad experience so it is easier than ever to track your cooks, share them with others, and refine your ‘cue. If you are new to BBQpad, go and find out more about what it is. Go on, we will wait.

So what have we been up to?

Well, we have been doing some user testing. In other words, asking for volunteers to let us watch them use the pad and then we can find usability issues and get them fixed up so BBQpad is as simple to use as possible. We also used this as an opportunity to add some additional features too!

Remember too that BBQpad works on your Desktop, Laptop, Mobile (such as iPhone and Android) and Tablet (such as the iPad) and supports browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari and others.

Let’s roll through the juicy updates…

Cooks Are Now Easier Than Ever!

We have now refined cooks on BBQpad so that they are easier than ever to update.

Firstly, we used to have two different buttons for making updates to your cook (adding a general update (e.g. spritzing) and adding a temperature update). We have simplified this so you only need to hit a single button to update your cook:

With a single click you can update your cook with any changes, temp readings, and whether your food is on or off the cooker. You can even select a photo to show your cook right now (or the beer you are chugging).

Simpler Food Summaries

We have also simplified the food summary on each cook page. Instead of burying the juicy photos in the food information section, we now display them proud and upfront. We have also made it more intuitive to access details of the rubs, sauces, brines, marinades, rest time and other prep – just click/tap the information symbol and it appears (as you can see expanded below for our second butt):

Adding Photos Now Easier

Not only have we made the photos on your cooks more visible, but they are easier than ever to add. Simply click the grey thumbnail icon to select a file from your computer, phone, or tablet.

We have also fixed uploading photos from iPhones so they are not lop-sided and made both uploading and download photos more efficient than ever!

Streamlining How Cooks Are Completed

Traditionally when you had completed a cook in BBQpad you would rate each food item and then click the End This Cook button. Well, we never really liked this button. In fact, we didn’t like it so much that we killed it.

Now, as soon as you have rated your last item we will end your cook for you automatically to save you doing it.

Although the cook is ended, if you want to go and change something (such as a rating) later you can still do so.

BBQpad Pro: Choose Which Cooks Are Private/Public

For our BBQpad Pro users who can make their cooks private, you can now choose this on a per-cook basis. Want to make a cook that you are prepping for a competition private but then have another cook with the family and share it with the community? No worries, this is just a click away on the cook page!

Significantly Expanded About Information

We have also added a number of pages on BBQpad that explain what the site does, what features are included, and more:

We hope you enjoy the updates, and as ever, if you have any comments, questions or queries, be sure to get in touch!

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